Energy Rating for New Homes
Congratulations! You are going to build your new home. But beyond the design – siding, roofing, finished flooring, kitchen, and bathrooms – who are you going to turn to for advise on the building envelope or building efficiency?
There is so much stuff out there – geo thermal, dual fuel, ICF (insulated concrete forms), SIP (structural insulated panel), fiberglass insulation, cellulose insulation, spray foam insulation, ERV (energy recover ventilator) – just to mention a few. And then there are the terms: BTU’s, AFUE, COP, HSPF, R – value, U – factor, and SHGC. Your home may qualify for an EEM (energy efficient mortgage) or an Energy Star tax credit.
As a certified HERS rater, Home Evaluation Services can assist you in getting your home to a low HERS score (HERS score is the determining factor for EEM and Energy Star), while taking into consideration your budget, lifestyle, and goals. As a HERS rater and BPI (Building Performance Institute) trainer, Home Evaluation Services looks at the home as a system.
Let’s get together today with your house plans and produce a home that is not only more energy efficient – but it is more comfortable.